Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rigor Redefined

Tony Wagner's "Rigor Redefined" talks about students learning 21st century facts to help them get a good job. Wagner talked to a man by the name of Clay Parker, he's the president of the Chemical Management Division of BOC Edwards. Wagner asked him what skills he looks for in young people when being hired. Parker likes someone "who asks good questions," and "engage in good disscussion."

Wagner wasn't sure that Parker was looking for the right things, but after talking to many compants including Apple and the U.S. Army, he realized that the work force has changed alot. He also talks about the seven skills students need to master in the world of work.

Honestly i think students are getting plenty of education they need. We have business classes that we can take, if your into that. At Arapahoe students have to take a business class their freshman year. I think thats good. Students should get an idea of how to save money and run a business.

Wagner talks about students becoming "productive citizens who contribute to solving some of the most pressing issues we face in the 21st century." That's true. Like pollution. We should take a bigger role in that. Alot of teens want to save the earth, they try to push their parents to buy CFL light bulbs, but then parents complain about money, and paying for gas. But whatever.

Wagner is partially right, we should do a little more to help students prepare to the tough working world ahead of us, but the schools are on the right track for now.

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